Terms and Conditions
Mac MD Los Angeles will be collecting opt-in verbally from their customers. Customers can opt in to receive messages either in person at their physical location or over a phone call if they call. When a customer is registered for the first time, they are asked to provide their phone number, and staff is trained to ask if the customer would like to opt in to SMS-based billing notifications. They will be verbally informed that "Message and data rates may apply," "Message frequency may vary," and they can "text HELP or INFO for support or more information and STOP or UNSUBSCRIBE to unsubscribe at any time." They will also be informed that their phone number will not be shared with third parties for marketing or promotional purposes. The types of messages sent will include communications with clients and vendors.
For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy at http://macmdla.com/pp and Terms & Conditions at macmdla.com/tc